To Surabaya, Hasto Brought The Chairperson Of PDIP Megawati To Be Entrusted To A Cadre

JAKARTA - PDI-P Secretary General Hasto Kristiyanto said PDI-P Chairperson Megawati Soekarnoputri reminded all party members and cadres not to become complacent due to the election victory twice in a row.

"The determinant of victory is work among the people. So party cadres will continue to attend, come down. Do concrete things for the people. We continue to do mutual cooperation for the people, public kitchens, healthy herbal medicine, personal protective equipment such as masks, disinfectants, socialization of prevention. COVID and others, "said Hasto during a visit to Surabaya for an Internal Party Coordination Meeting, reported by Antara, Friday, October 23.

According to Hasto in his statement, the survey did show how positive people's support for the party was. However, it is only a measuring tool and not a determinant of victory.

Before chairing the meeting, Hasto asked for a tour of the city of Surabaya. Accompanied by the Chairman of the Surabaya DPRD Adi Sutarwijono and the Chairman of the PDIP Faction of the Surabaya DPRD Syaifuddin Zuhri.

More than 1.5 hours, the trip around the city of Surabaya was carried out by Hasto. They had stopped at the Waru Industrial Estate in the southern region of Surabaya. There, Hasto immediately contacted the area's management with a suggestion. Namely for management to unify area management with the policies of the Surabaya City Government.

"So that the industrial area becomes green. So that pedestrians are built to be greener with green gardens. Then a library is built that can describe industrial aspects. So it contains books and questions about the manufacturing process of the processing industry that can be enjoyed by the general public," said Hasto.

From monitoring and direct visits to the field, Hasto said that the greenness of Surabaya has increasingly shown the leadership quality of his party cadre, the Mayor of Surabaya Tri Rismaharini.

For PDIP, Risma successfully carried out the party's instructions for the replanting movement. This will be continued and continued to be developed by the candidate pair carried by the party bearing the bull symbol in the city of Surabaya, Eri Cahyadi-Armuji.

"The reforestation instruction and the Replanting Movement were actually carried out under the leadership of Mrs. Risma which will be continued by Ery-Armuji," said Hasto.

This movement has a deeper meaning than just physical activity. Because in it, said Hasto, it contains the spirit to cultivate character, cultivate kindness and patriotism.

"All of this can be seen through the green of Surabaya. The planting movement continues. The party ensures that through the Three Pillars of the Party so that basic food is safe for the people. The planting movement is mandatory," said Hasto.

In particular, Hasto made the momentum around Surabaya to remind all party cadres to carry out Megawati Soekarnoputri's instructions.