Police Search Khilafatul Muslimin Headquarters Bandarlampung, ISIS Books And Documents Confiscated
JAKARTA - Metro Jaya Police searched the headquarters of the Khilafatul Muslimin in the Bandarlampung area. From the search, books and documents related to terrorist groups were confiscated.
"The findings we obtained at the head office were in the form of books and documents, including those related to the Khilafah, then NII and also ISIS", said Head of Public Relations of Metro Jaya Police, Commissioner E. Zulpan to reporters, Thursday, June 9.
However, Zulpan could not confirm the number of books and documents confiscated related to ISIS and NII. Investigators are still sorting out the items at the head office.
The evidence found will be investigated further. Previously, there were allegations of involvement of a terrorist network in the Khilafatul Muslimin group.
"Currently, the Metro Jaya Police team is experiencing it for further development", he said.
"Especially related to ideas that are contrary to the Pancasila ideology", continued Zulpan.
For information, in the case of the Khilafatul Muslimin group, the police have arrested five people.
First, the highest leader of this group, namely Abdul Qadir Hasan Baraja. He was arrested in the Bandar Lampung area.
Later, the police also arrested Ali Zamro. He is the leader of the Khilafatul Muslimin organization in Cirebon, West Java.
While the other three people, GZ is the branch leader of the Khilafatul Muslimin Jamaat and DS, and AS, which is the branch leader of the Khilafatul Muslimin Jamaah.