TNI Commander Asks Yonwal Paspampres To Be Subjected To Related Articles

JAKARTA - The TNI Commander General Andika Perkasa has asked that a member of the Presidential Security Forces (Paspampres) Guard Battalion (Yonwal), Serda Rizal Patoni Prananda Yusuf, be subject to related articles. TNI Andika Perkasa, who is being monitored, in Jakarta, Thursday, June 9. In his presentation, the Adjudicator General (Orjen) of the TNI Marshal Muda Reki Irene Lumme said Serda Rizal was suspected of molesting a Green Pramuka City security officer, Marwoko Setiawan, in Central Jakarta. , on April 28, 2022. "For the case of abuse against members. The case in Jakarta, the new one, Green Pramuka City security on behalf of Marwoko Setiawan, which occurred on April 28. The perpetrator was Serda Rizal Patoni Prananda Yusuf, a member of the Paspampres Yonwal, " he was quoted as saying by Antara. Currently, he said, the perpetrators have been detained by Pomdam Jaya and are still under further investigation. According to Reki, the former Paspampres commander asked that Serda Rizal not only be charged with the persecution article.

"So, wait, don't let the article just be persecution. Why? He's carrying a weapon. So the article is wearing everything that has to do with it," said Andika. the applicable laws and regulations to provide the maximum penalty. On this occasion, Reki also reported a case of a dispute and the holding of an airsoft gun by a member of the Indonesian Air Force against an Indonesian Army soldier in Sragen, Central Java. Regarding this case, the TNI Commander also requested that subject to articles in accordance with applicable legislation. "Yes, it was the same, all articles that can be linked, including weapons," he said.