Prevent PMK, Jambi Provincial Government Prepares PMK Vaccine For Livestock

JAMBI - The Department of Food Crops, Horticulture and Livestock of the Jambi Provincial Government has prepared a vaccination for foot and mouth disease (PMK) in livestock in the area. logistics and human resources," said Head of Animal Disease Control and Eradication (P3H) and Institutional Animal Health Resources (KSKH) of the Food Crops, Horticulture and Livestock Office of Jambi Province Veterinarian Dewi Melani Susanti in Jambi, Thursday, June 9. Dewi explained that the vaccination was carried out to prevent the spread of FMD in livestock, as well as to provide immunity for livestock that have not been infected with FMD, considering that FMD is very easily transmitted to other livestock, even though the cure rate for FMD is quite high. The FMD vaccination is expected to be carried out in mid-June 2022. Although the FMD is not zoonotic or contagious to humans, the disease needs to be addressed immediately because it affects livestock and can cause death in livestock. that have been determined," said drh Dewi as quoted by Antara.

Meanwhile, from 11 districts and cities in Jambi Province, cases of FMD in livestock were confirmed in seven districts and cities, including Kerinci District, Sarolangun, Batang Hari, Muaro Jambi, Tanjung Jabung Barat, Jambi City and Sungai Full City. and in the city there are 146 sick livestock and of the 146 livestock there are 28 livestock which have been confirmed by the Bukit Tinggi Veterinary Center. Melanie Susanti.