Bareskrim Names 8 Fire Suspects At The AGO, From Construction Builders To PPK Officials

JAKARTA - Bareskrim Polri has named eight suspects in the fire case at the Attorney General's Office (AGO) building. Five of them are construction workers.

"We have named 8 suspects in this (fire) case," said Head of Public Relations of the National Police, Inspector General Argo Yuwono to reporters, Friday, October 23.

The five construction workers have the initials T, H, S, K, and IS. They were named suspects for violating the no smoking rule in the personnel bureau hall.

"They are doing activities they shouldn't be doing, namely smoking in the room where they work," said Argo.

Meanwhile, the Director of the Directorate of General Crimes at Bareskrim Polri, Brigadier General Ferdy Sambo, said the other three, namely, UAM as the foreman, R who is the Director of PT ARM and the Commitment Making Officer (PPK) of the Attorney General's Office, NH.

The determination of the suspect against UAM was reasoned because they did not supervise the five craftsmen while they were working. Meanwhile, R and NH were named suspects for making an agreement to use a dash cleaner cleaning fluid which is said to accelerate the combustion process.

"Those who are responsible for the use of cleaning fluid. Then the dash cleaner also does not have a distribution permit," he said.

The suspects were charged under Article 188 of the Criminal Code in conjunction with Article 55 and Article 56 of the Criminal Code with the threat of 5 years in prison.

The AGO building fire incident occurred on 22 August. Based on the investigation process which then went up to the investigation, the National Police said they had found a criminal element behind the case.