The Need For Comprehensive Regulations Related To Alternative Tobacco Products

JAKARTA - The government is deemed necessary to form a comprehensive special regulation related to alternative tobacco products such as electronic cigarettes or vape. Chairman of the TAR Free Indonesia Coalition (Kabar) Ariyo Bimmo said regulations for alternative tobacco products will provide certainty for business actors in producing products that are suitable for consumers.

According to him, currently Indonesia only has one rule, namely the Minister of Finance Regulation (PMK) Number 146 / PMK.010 / 2017 which focuses on the aspect of state revenue from excise. However, it does not cover other aspects, such as product testing, marketing procedures, age limits, information for consumers, and supervision.

"More detailed regulations will narrow the potential for drug abuse in e-cigarettes," said Bimmo after speaking at the Public Discussion of the Movement for the Prevention of Electric Cigarette Abuse (Geprek) in Bandung, West Java, Wednesday, January 15.

He is of the view that drug abuse cases in e-cigarettes make the public have a negative perception of alternative tobacco products.

"In fact, alternative tobacco products, such as e-cigarettes and heated tobacco products, were actually created to help adult smokers who want to switch from cigarettes to lower-risk tobacco products," he said.

Bimmo also emphasized the importance of the government's role in preventing the abuse of e-cigarettes. "We hope the government will form a special regulation, which is different from cigarettes, for alternative tobacco products," he said.

Chairman of the Indonesian Anti-Drug Generation Center Leadership (Gani) Djoddy Prasetio Widyawan, explained that this discussion and social movement aims to provide education to members of the e-cigarette association, adult consumers, and the public regarding the prevention of misuse of alternative tobacco products. This is done through the distribution of Geprek stickers and guidebooks to e-cigarette shops in Bandung.

"This discussion is a form of our commitment and attention to the alternative tobacco product industry in Indonesia, especially on the issue of drug abuse in e-cigarettes and use by minors," he said.

With the rapid growth of e-cigarette users, his party chose Bandung to be the second city after Bali to hold educational activities and socialize the Geprek program.

"We want this education to be widely distributed to all aspects, both businesses and consumers," Djoddy continued.

According to Djoddy, problems in the substance abuse of Tetrahydrokanabinol (THC) and vitamin E acetate mixed with e-cigarette liquid in the United States are very vulnerable to occur in Indonesia.

In mid-2019, the National Narcotics Agency (BNN) has revealed similar drug abuse cases in e-cigarettes.

Chairman of the Indonesian Vapers Association (AVI) West Java, Didong Wanorogo stated that his party also supports Geprek and as a form of commitment, West Java AVI will appeal to its members not to abuse drugs in e-cigarettes and prohibit the sale of products to children under 18 years of age.