After Shopping For Food, Middle-aged Woman Becomes Victim Of Exhibitionist In Quiet Alley, Cipayung Area, East Jakarta

JAKARTA - A man riding a motorcycle was caught on CCTV camera carrying out an exhibitionist action against a middle-aged woman with the initials E at the Bina Warga Poci Gang, Lubang Buaya, Cipayung District, East Jakarta, Thursday, June 9.

The perpetrator's action began when he saw the victim walking alone in an alley in a residential area that looked deserted.

The suspect then followed the victim on a motorbike and overtook him. After arriving at the end of the alley, the perpetrator turned the motorbike he was driving in the opposite direction to the victim.

After approaching face to face, the perpetrator immediately took out his penis in front of the victim while riding a motorbike. After that, the perpetrator fled. Meanwhile, the victim was crying because she was afraid of the perpetrator.

"I was about to cross, there were gentlemen, he came back again. He was walking very fast on a motorbike and turned his penis out in front of me. He was driving a motorbike himself," said the victim with the initial E to reporters, Thursday, June 9, afternoon.

The victim was on his way to his house after shopping for basic needs. Initially, the victim thought that the perpetrator was only turning due to the wrong way, he did not expect the driver to do this.

Until now the victim has not wanted to report to the police because he is still traumatized.