Tens Of Tons Of Toxic Waste Used Oil Found In Kupang City Settlements

KUPANG - A total of 26 tons of toxic waste or B3 types of used oil were found piled up in residential areas in Batuplat Village, Alak District, Kupang City, East Nusa Tenggara (NTT).

The Head of Waste and Hazardous Waste Management at the Kupang City Environment and Hygiene Service (DLHK), Gabriel Mea Wio, said the waste was found last May, but until now the owner has not been held responsible.

"There are approximately 130 drums with each drum containing 200 liters of used oil," he said, quoted by Antara, Thursday, June 9.

The B3 waste from used oil is the result of processing by a diesel power plant (PLTD), which is intentionally dropped off in the residential area with the excuse that it will be transported soon.

The environmental service did not give a permit for temporary shelter near the residents' housing, because it could disturb the cleanliness of the surrounding environment and also public health.

DLHK also obtained information that tens of tons of toxic waste were known to belong to PT. Sabena Eraka Lauda is located at Grand Galaxy Jalan Boulevard Raya Blok Ran 8 No 20, Bekasi City.

Residents whose houses are close to the toxic waste admit that they are worried and uneasy about the presence of this waste, so they hope that the Kupang City government will immediately take quick steps.

"Actually, these drums have been unloaded since two months ago in the vacant land, but currently they have not been moved," said Amelia.

Amelia said the vacant land was usually used by her children to play and run around. But since there was toxic waste, the children and their friends moved to play in another location.

The condition of the findings of B3 waste, namely hazardous and toxic materials in the form of 26 tons of used oil, is accommodated in hundreds of drums. These hundreds of used oil waste drums were the findings of the Kupang City Environment and Hygiene Service, but so far they have not been transported.

In fact, this waste should be stored in a temporary storage area that has obtained a permit and must be far from residential locations. The location and the B3 waste drum have also been installed with police lines, but so far this waste has not been transported.