4,500 TNI-Polri Personnel Escort The President's Visit To Southeast Sulawesi

KENDARI - A total of 4,500 joint military and police personnel were alerted to guard the visit of President Joko Widodo and First Lady Iriana to the Wakatobi Regency, Southeast Sulawesi, Thursday, June 9. Head of Operation Section of Korem 143/Haluoleo Lekot Inf. Rizal in Wakatobi, Wednesday, June 8, said that the thousands of personnel will carry out security in two areas, namely Kendari City and Wakatobi Regency. ," Rizal said. He explained that joint personnel will secure the paths and places visited by President Jokowi and Iriana. "There are seven points of location for the President's security, including Mataharo Wakatobi Airport, Marina Togo, Kampung Mola, Morning Market, Patuno Resort," he added. The attention in securing the visit is so that the President's entire agenda runs smoothly without any obstacles. , Wednesday night, landed in South Konawe Regency, Southeast Sulawesi, for a working visit, Thursday, in Wakatobi Regency . President Jokowi arrived at Haluoleo Air Force Base, South Konawe, at around 18.00 WITA, Wednesday. Teguh Pristiwanto, and Haluoleo Airbase Commander Colonel Pnb. A. Ferdinand Picaulima.President Jokowi, the First Lady, and their entourage immediately proceeded to Kendari to spend the night at a hotel. One of the agendas for the President's working visit in Southeast Sulawesi was to open the Agrarian Reform Task Force (GTRA) Summit Wakatobi held by the Ministry of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning/National Land Agency (ATR/BPN). The President is also scheduled to inaugurate a number of ports and ferries supporting facilities and infrastructure at the Ports of Kaledupa, Binongko, and Tomia. Jokowi will also hand over land certificates and direct cash assistance (BLT) for cooking oil symbolically to the local community.