Trial Of TWP AD Alleged Corruption Case, Witness Says PT GSH Hasn't Refunded IDR 35 Billion

JAKARTA - The President Director of the Army Housing Compulsory Savings Management Agency (TWP AD) for the March 2019-June 2021 period, Lt. Gen. TNI (Ret.) Sudirman, received a Rp35 billion "assistance" fund that was given to PT Griya Sari Harta, but it has not been returned. issued assistance money, but it still belongs to the Army Housing Compulsory Savings," Sudirman said when he was a witness in the trial of the alleged corruption of TWP AD funds at the High Military Court II Jakarta, East Jakarta, Wednesday night, June 8. Sudirman explained that the assistance funds were given to PT Griya Sari Harta (GSH) based on a cooperation agreement. The TWP AD manager provided the assistance funds with the aim that PT GSH, as the army housing developer, could provide land plots for the Indonesian Army housing in the Tabanan area, Bali. is a wrong action. According to Faridah, the money for the provision of the land plots was the responsibility of PT GSH. Sudirman's confession was not denied by Defendant II in the alleged corruption case of TWP AD funds, namely PT GSH President Director Ni Putu Purnamasari (NPP). The case of alleged corruption of TWP funds The AD also involved one other defendant, namely the 2019-2020 TWP AD Finance Director Brigadier General Yus Adi Kamarullah (YAK). In his indictment, the Military Oditatur of the Jakarta High Military Court II stated that Brigadier General Yus withdrew money from the TWP AD Management Agency (BP) account without the permission of the Army Chief of Staff (Kasad). Subsequently, the money was transferred by Yus to his personal account and by Yus as deposits as credit guarantees for Defendant II Ni Putu Purnamasari. For these actions, the defendants Brigadier General Yus and Ni Putu are suspected of causing state financial losses of Rp. 133,763,305,600, based on the calculation of state losses by BPKP on 28 December 2021.