This Is The Face Of The Expeditionary Employee Robber Who Carried An 80 Cm Machete In Tambora, West Jakarta

JAKARTA - Three armed robbers who took cellphones and money belonging to expedition employees have been arrested by the police. The perpetrator was arrested after officers conducted a crime scene (TKP) and a series of investigations.

"The perpetrators have been arrested at their respective homes. The three perpetrators have the initials TB (24), NDO (21) and AP (17)," Tambora Police Chief Commissioner Rosana Albertina Labobar told reporters, Wednesday, June 8.

Upon the arrest, the police secured evidence in the form of an 80-centimeter machete and a Honda Scoopy motorcycle.

Kompol Ocha, as he is known, explained that the incident occurred on Jalan Pintu Kecil II, Roda Malaka, Tambora, West Jakarta, yesterday. The victim with the initials PJ and his colleague were sitting after locking the office where they worked.

Suddenly they were approached by three perpetrators on a motorbike.

"One of the perpetrators with the initials TB came down to the victim and took out a machete type machete and the AR co-actor asked the victim to hand over his cellphone," said Kompol Ocha.

After getting cellphones and money, the perpetrators fled on motorbikes. The perpetrators had previously planned their actions to commit a crime

"The perpetrators gathered in front of the boarding house on Jalan Terate 1 and then circled around to look for the victim's target," he said.

As a result of their reckless actions, the three perpetrators were charged with Article 365 of the Criminal Code related to theft with violence using sharp weapons.