There Is No TPPU In The Indictment Of Former MA Secretary Nurhadi, KPK: We Must Be Careful

JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) will be careful in developing the case of former Supreme Court (MA) Secretary Nurhadi towards the alleged Crime of Money Laundering (TPPU).

The KPK's cautionary attitude is because they do not want this allegation to end up like the verdict of Tubagus Chaeri Wardana alias Wawan, who was declared not to have committed money laundering by the Central Jakarta Corruption Court.

"Yesterday Pak Nawawi (KPK Deputy Chairman Nawawi Pomolango, red) once conveyed the possibility of TPPU. Well, we just collected this because we learned from the TCW case, we must be careful about the imposition of articles on TPPU," said KPK Deputy for Enforcement Karyoto to reporters. at the KPK's Red and White House, Jalan Kuningan Persada, South Jakarta, Thursday night, October 22.

According to him, if the KPK succeeds in proving the elements of a criminal act in the Nurhadi case, this anti-graft agency will apply the TPPU article. "If we have obtained the predicate crime, of course we will raise it again to the TPPU," he said.

During the indictment trial held at the Central Jakarta Corruption Court on Thursday, August 22, Nurhadi and his son-in-law, Rezky Herbiyono were charged with two counts at once. He was charged with receiving Rp37.2 billion in gratuities and receiving Rp.45.7 billion in bribes.

Previously, a number of parties such as Indonesia Corruption Watch (ICW) and Lokataru urged the KPK to apply TPPU against Nurhadi. This pressure arose because from the data they had collected, Nurhadi had an unreasonable wealth or it did not match the official income of a Supreme Court Secretary.

In the data, at least several assets allegedly belonged to Nurhadi, such as seven land and building assets with a value of hundreds of billions of rupiah; four oil palm business areas; eight legal entities either in the form of PT or UD; 12 luxury cars; and 12 luxury watches.

In fact, based on the Decree of the Supreme Court Number 128 / KMA / SK / VIII / 2014 concerning Special Performance Allowances for Civil Servants in the Supreme Court and the Judiciary Bodies under it, it is stated that the position of Secretary of the Supreme Court as echelon 1 gets a special allowance of Rp. Meanwhile, the basic salary for echelon I officials is around Rp. 19 million.

"So it is reasonable to suspect that these assets were obtained from corruption," said ICW researcher Kurnia Ramadhana in a written statement, Wednesday, July 22.

With these facts, Kurnia emphasized that the KPK should not only stop at the allegation of bribery and gratuity. He continued, the anti-graft agency should have started an investigation to get into the possibility of guiding Nurhadi for money laundering.

"Not only that, the KPK is also expected to be able to investigate the potential of Nurhadi's closest parties to receive benefits for the crimes he committed," he said.