Successful Revenge For Sameer Verma At Home, Chico Says Focus And Tempo Are The Keys

JAKARTA - Chico Aura Dwi Wardoyo successfully recorded a victory in the first round of the Indonesia Masters 2022. In the match on Wednesday afternoon at Istora Senayan, Jakarta, the Indonesian men's singles won over the representative of India, Sameer Verma.

Chico's victory while performing at home is also a sweet revenge for him. Because, in the previous meeting, Chico lost to Verma when they met at Syd Modi International, at the 2018 Badminton Championships.

Winning two straight games with a score of 21-17 and 21-15, Chico admitted that his opponent had put enough pressure on him through a thin difference in points. However, Chico revealed that the key to his success in overthrowing the Indian representative was to focus and maintain the tempo of the game.

“Earlier in the first game the points were a bit tight and we missed it too. So there I tried to be more tenacious and focused more on one point at a time and finally I tried to increase the tempo and attack more," Chico explained after the match.

Realizing that he was going to face an opponent who had knocked him out before, Chico also said that he had deliberately prepared himself before meeting Verma today.

"Since last night, we have been preparing how to fight him," added the world number 46 badminton player.

Successfully overthrowing the Indian representatives, Chico qualified for the second round of the 2022 Indonesia Masters, where in the follow-up match he will face the opponent of the winner between Toma Junior Popov who represents France versus Singapore's Loh Kean Yew who is ranked eighth.