+966 503500017, This Is The Hajj 1443 Hijri WhatsApp Center From The Ministry Of Religion

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Religion has released a WhatsApp Center or a special telephone number that can be a communication channel for pilgrims with the community regarding the implementation of the Hajj 1443 H/2022 M.

"To make it easier for pilgrims and the public to update information, as well as bring services closer to them, we have set up a WA Center at +966 503500017," said Special Staff of the Minister of Religion for Media and Public Communication Wibowo Prasetyo when giving a press statement on the implementation of the 1443 Hijri Hajj. /2022 AD in Jakarta, Wednesday, June 8, quoted from Antara.

The WA Center is expected to be a medium of communication between pilgrims and officers when there is a need for service. Likewise for other people when they know the whereabouts of pilgrims who need services.

"We will be on standby 24 hours during the hajj season," he said.

According to him, the WA Center number has also been recorded in every hotel occupied by Indonesian pilgrims. The Ministry of Religion has also made it in the form of stickers and banners affixed to hotels for Indonesian pilgrims and prayer buses.

"We hope that this will be known to the congregation, so that they can use it if they need services," he said.

The Ministry of Religion has set up a crisis management center in the organization of the Hajj 1443 H/2022 AD. One of the tasks of this organ is to monitor and respond to any information submitted by the congregation or the public so that it can be followed up properly.

"Information from the congregation will be processed and distributed to the person in charge of the service for immediate follow-up. The problem-solving process will also be monitored to ensure the congregation is well served," he said.

Previously, the General Chair of the Indonesian Lung Doctors Association, Agus Dwi Susanto, reminded prospective pilgrims to adhere to health protocols to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

"Given that we are currently still in a pandemic condition, pilgrims who are already in the Holy Land or those who are still in the country waiting for the departure schedule are expected to always obey health protocols," he said.

Doctor Agus Dwi Susanto explained that prospective hajj pilgrims need to continue to wear masks and wash their hands regularly.

He also reminded the importance of maintaining an adequate diet and sleeping pattern in order to maintain physical condition during a series of worship in the Holy Land.