Focusing On Helping To Return Jiwasraya Customers' Money, DPR Cancels Special Committee

JAKARTA - In the midst of the polemic of default that befell PT Asuransi Jiwasraya, the issue of the special committee (Pansus) is widely echoed by factions in the DPR. At least five of the nine factions have agreed.

However, the Jiwasraya special committee was canceled due to the current focus of the DPR on returning customers' money. The result of the joint meeting between the DPR and the government, in this case the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of BUMN, law enforcers at the Attorney General's Office and the Police, the DPR decided to cancel the discourse on the formation of a special committee for both Jiwasraya and Asabri.

Deputy Speaker of the DPR, Sufmi Dasco Ahmad, explained that to form a special committee, the DPR needs a longer time because the process will be long. Meanwhile, the government is already working to get the people's money back.

The government is also committed to improving or improving the performance of Jiwasraya and Asabri insurance, and has carried out real law enforcement and will continue.

Currently, said Dasco, the DPR must respond quickly to the government's work. Dasco gave an example, the government's work was already at level 5, while if the DPR formed a special committee, the level would just start.

"The most important thing is how everything is covered from what we mean to make the special committee. Public money, TNI-Polri money that has been lost is how to return it, then how to improve the performance of Asabri and Jiwasraya," he said, at the DPR Building, the Parliament Complex. , Senayan, Jakarta, Wednesday, January 15.

This Gerindra politician said that the DPR would immediately speed up steps to be at level 5 with the government. According to Dasco, the quick step that the DPR will take is to assign the relevant commissions to form a working committee (Panja) for both Jiwasraya and Asabri.

"So we will communicate, most of the factions after seeing what has been done in terms of efforts to return money, then improve performance and improve the law, almost all agreed (to form Panja)," he said.

Dasco said that Commission VI, which will supervise BUMN and supervise, will improve the performance of Jiwasraya and Asabri. Then Commission XI, will supervise and supervise how Jiwasraya and Asabri's insurance finances can be returned to the public.

"Because that's the most important thing in our opinion that the money that has been lost can come back," he said.

Then, continued Dasco, from the law enforcement sector, the DPR will assign Commission III to form a Panja to supervise and supervise matters that have been done by the Attorney General's Office.

"Yesterday we appreciate that we have detained the suspects. And the police in this case will also do the same on several of the same cases. So, in our opinion, those things will be done immediately to respond to the government's quick work," he explained.

Dasco denied that the decision to form Panja Jiwasraya and Asabri was ordered by President Joko Widodo (Jokowi). However, Dasco confirmed that there was a meeting with Jokowi.

"There was no direction from Pak Jokowi about what form it was, that was our response. If we later saw what had been done, then we made steps that had to wait a long time, yes, it will be said to be unresponsive," he concluded.