Surabaya City Government Collaborates With History Expert To Reveal Bung Karno's Birth City

SURABAYA - The Surabaya City Government collaborated with a number of historical experts and activists to uncover and clarify misunderstandings regarding the historical record of the birthplace of the first Indonesian President Soekarno (Bung Karno). said, there are several statements stating that Soekarno was born in the city of Surabaya, not the city of Blitar. him, there is a note on the ITB receipt that it was written that Soekarno was born in 1902 on June 6th. But in 1902 it was possible because his age was facilitated when he entered college. Soekarno is the son of a teacher in the City of Heroes named Raden Soekemi Sosrodihardjo. The second explanation is when Soekarno attended the 25th Honoris Causa (HC) for himself in 1964 at Padjadjaran University (Unpad) Bandung. In his speech, Soekarno asked to make a correction regarding the origin of his birthplace, not in Blitar City but in Surabaya. Blitar is wrong, I was born in Surabaya, so I'm Suroboyo'," he was quoted as saying by Antara. In addition, another historical record is a book written by Cindy Adams entitled Connector of the Indonesian People's Tongue. The book is also a sign as well as proof that the son of Sang Fajar was born in the city of Surabaya. "Unfortunately, in the New Order era, many narratives emerged that Bung Karno was born in Blitar City. correction, that the truth is that he was born in Surabaya," said Baju Aji.

Third, Soekarno also has a long story with the city of Surabaya since attending HBS. Even Bung Karno also studied under H. Oemar Said Tjokroaminoto. That's where Soekarno met various kinds of circles and youth with various ideologies. Indonesia," he said. The fourth statement is the result of research from the Soekarno Institute Researcher Peter A Rohi, who researched about Soekarno regarding his birthday which stated that he was born in the city of Surabaya. the birth of Bung Karno, where he wanted to make the home of the Proclaimer's birth a museum of education education. Later, visitors who want to visit the museum can explore the Kalimas river. "Surabaya has a Kalimas Water Boat Tour, there is a pier to walk through the HOS Tjokroaminoto museum and then head to Bung Karno's birthplace. This can be a trail for all of us to learn about Soekarno and Surabaya, " he said.