Ganjar Makes 7,809 Villages In Central Java A National Anti-Corruption Pilot

SEMARANG - Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo is ready to use 7,809 villages in Central Java as pilot villages for anti-corruption at the national level.

"Banyubiru Village, Semarang Regency, is one of 10 villages in 10 provinces that the KPK has chosen to be a pilot. This will be a pioneer, but we will boost it in Central Java, return from here (Goa Regency), I order all villages in Central Java did that," said Antara, Tuesday, June 7.

Ganjar emphasized that the formation of an anti-corruption village pilot is a good momentum because there are currently many community reports related to village financial management.

"The use of village funds has been criticized by the community. In addition, Pak Firli Bahuri (Chairman of the KPK) said that many village heads or village officials have been arrested, although many have built roads and others," he said during the 2022 Anti-Corruption Village Pilot Formation event which was held held by the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) in Gowa, South Sulawesi.

According to Ganjar, this is good as an effort to fight corrupt practices because everyone must know how to fully manage the state budget for the welfare of the people.

"This is part of the KPK, the Ministry of Home Affairs, the Ministry of Finance, and the Ministry of Villages including us in the regions how to prepare regions with integrity, transparency, and accountability in the use of state finances. Is it financial assistance, village funds, and others," he said, quoted by Antara.

Meanwhile, KPK Chairman Firli Bahuri said that corruption did not only occur in urban communities, but also occurred in rural communities.

Data from the Ministry of Finance, he said, showed that the government had issued a state budget to villages in Indonesia worth Rp. 468 trillion and from that budget there had been deviations.

"There are at least 601 corruption cases involving 688 village heads or village officials who are suspects, we have to stop this number. There should no longer be village heads and apparatus that carry out corrupt practices," he said.

Therefore, the KPK initiated the establishment of this anti-corruption village program as a step to anticipate the spread of corrupt practices at the village level, although only 10 villages in 10 provinces were used as pilot projects, it hopes that other villages will follow suit.

"This anti-corruption spirit must not be extinguished. Indonesia must be free from corruption. Let's create a corruption-free village to achieve a corruption-free Indonesia," he said.

The KPK launched the 2022 Anti-Corruption Village Pilot in Gowa, South Sulawesi and selected 10 villages as pioneers, including Banyubiru Village, Semarang Regency (Central Java), Kamang Hilia Village, Agam Regency (West Sumatra), Hanura Village, Pesawaran Regency (Lampung), Cibiru Wetan Village, Bandung Regency (West Java).

Then, Sukojati Village, Banyuwangi Regency (East Java), Kutuh Village, Badung Regency (Bali), Kumbang Village, Lombok Regency (NTB), West Detusuko Village, Ende Regency (NTT), Mungguk Village (West Kalimantan), and Pakatto Village. , Gowa Regency (South Sulawesi).