Asfinawati Admits That She Got A Report On The Digembosi Job Creation Act

JAKARTA - Chairperson of the Indonesian Legal Aid Foundation (YLBHI) Asfinawati said, YLBHI has received many reports of embezzlement against the movement to reject the Job Creation Law. This is what keeps many workers and students from participating in demonstrations in various regions in Indonesia.

"I get a lot of input, complaints from all over Indonesia that our strength is actually bigger than this. But where are they? They were stopped in industrial areas, their rental cars were asked not to continue their journey, students were revoked their scholarships, students were intimidated both through education office, through parents, lecturers, teachers, "said Asfinawati in her oration, during a demonstration against the Job Creation Law in Jakarta, Thursday, October 22.

Asfin assessed that the government had used state tools to restrain the power of the people who continued to move against the controversial law. Therefore, he asked all the protesters in the Arjuna Wiwaha Horse Statue Area or anywhere else to look after each other.

"Take care of your friends with cellphones, videotape every intimidation by the apparatus, video and spread every violence committed by the apparatus," he said.

"Only then can we protect our fellow friends. Only then can we spread the anger of the Indonesian authorities to the rest of the world and other social movements," he added.

According to him, the Job Creation Law, which was passed by the Indonesian Parliament on Monday, October 5, succeeded in uniting the forces of the people who wanted their rights not to be taken away by the state.

"The Omnibus Law has unified the people. I have witnessed workers, students, farmers, fishermen, and people who have never taken action, together with us all united by the desire for power to take people's rights away,"

Even though at this time the masses had shown unity to seize their rights, however, Asfinawati considered their task was not yet complete. Because, there are still many parties who do not pay serious attention to the Omnibus Law on Job Creation.

Today, the masses held a demonstration against the Prawn Omnibus Law Cipta Kerja on Thursday, 22 October. The masses that came down came from the Joint People's Labor Movement (GEBRAK) and the Federation of Electronic Metal and Machinery Workers Unions of All Indonesia (FSP LEM SPSI). Apart from that, there were also masses of students who took part in this action.

Until 17.15 WIB, the masses of the Joint People's Labor Movement (GEBRAK) were still giving speeches. Meanwhile, the masses from the Federation of Electronic Metal and Machine Workers Unions of All Indonesia Workers (FSP LEM SPSI) have withdrawn from the demonstration site after delivering a letter to President Jokowi which was handed over to Deputy IV of the Presidential Staff Office (KSP) Juri Ardiantoro.