Update On COVID-19 As Of October 22: Accumulation Of Positive Cases Nearly 400 Thousand

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Health (Kemenkes) has released data on the development of new positive cases of COVID-19 today. Based on examination of 43,928 specimens, 4,432 new positive cases were found.

"The total accumulation of positive cases since COVID-19 was discovered in Indonesia reached 377,541 people," quoted from Ministry of Health data, Thursday, October 22.

Meanwhile, the number of recovered cases increased by 3,497, so the total was 301,006 people who recovered from COVID-19. Meanwhile, the number of cases died increased by 102 to 12,959 people.

On the other hand, provincial data with the most number of positive cases were in DKI Jakarta. Based on data, as many as 989 people in the capital have tested positive for COVID-19. So that the total residents who have been infected have become 98,206 people.

Then, other provinces with a high number of positive cases were still in West Java with 736 cases and Central Java with 513 cases.

Meanwhile, the province with the most recovered cases is also occupied by DKI Jakarta with 1,159 cases. Then, Central Java with 364 cases and East Java with 347 cases.

So far there are 6 provinces that have reported additional cases under 10. Among them, Bangka Belitung and Gorontalo. Then, there are 4 provinces without positive cases, namely, Maluku, West Sulawesi, Central Kalimantan and Riau Islands.

In addition, the number of specimens examined reached 4,211,138. In detail, as many as 4,130,419 specimens were examined using real time polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) and 80,719 specimens using molecular rapid tests (TCM).

"The number of positive results per number of specimens examined (positivity rate) was 14.3 percent," he wrote.

Finally, the number of people suspected of having contracted COVID-19 or who are currently categorized as suspected cases was 164,346 people. Currently, 501 districts / cities from 34 provinces have had COVID-19 cases.