Colonel Priyanto Undergoes Sentence Trial In Military Court

JAKARTA - The defendant in the case of the murder of two teenagers Handi Saputra and Salsabila in Nagreg, West Java, namely Colonel Infantry Priyanto will undergo a sentencing hearing at the High Military Court II Jakarta, East Jakarta, Tuesday, June 7. was parked in the courtyard of the Jakarta High Military Court II and several court staff began setting up loudspeakers in the courtroom. Earlier on Monday, June 6, via a short message, the High Military Court II Jakarta prosecutor, Colonel Sus Wirdel Boy, also said that the verdict trial would be held today. "The verdict is Tuesday, June 7, 2022. Time will adjust to conditions," he was quoted as saying by Antara. In connection with this case, on December 8, 2021, Colonel Priyanto and two of his subordinates, namely Kopda Andreas and Koptu Ahmad Sholeh, hit Handi and Salsabila in Nagreg. They did not take the victim to the hospital, but instead dumped the bodies of Handi and Salsa in the Serayu River, Central Java. During the trial, Colonel Priyanto admitted that he had the idea of disposing of the bodies of the two victims because they thought they had died as a result of not being able to move and breathing. However, a number of other witnesses, including civilian Shohibul Iman, helped lift the bodies of the two victims into Colonel Priyanto's car on the spot. the incident, admitted that he still saw Handi's body moving while groaning in pain. On December 11, 2021, the bodies of these two victims were found by residents. Handi's body was found by residents in the Serayu River in Banyumas, Central Java, while Salsabila's body was found in a river in Cilacap, Central Java. After being identified, Salsabila's body was returned to the family. At that time, the family refused an autopsy for Salsabila's body. Dr. Margono Soekarjo, Purwokerto on December 13, 2021.
Four days later, the forensic doctor, dr. Muhammad Zaenuri Syamsu Hidayat and the police managed to identify Handi's identity after matching his dental profile with a photo from his family.Dr. Zaenuri confirmed that Handi was thrown into the Serayu River in an unconscious state, but still alive. Thus, it was concluded that Salsa was thrown into the river in a state of death. However, the cause of Handi's death was not because he was hit by a car, but because he was thrown into the Serayu River and drowned. AD) by Jakarta High Military Prosecutor Colonel Sus Wirdel Boy. secondary charges, namely Article 328 of the Criminal Code regarding kidnapping, and Article 181 of the Criminal Code which regulates the crime of hiding the corpse or death of the victim.