CGV Cinema Opens, Small Children And Older People May Not Watch

JAKARTA - CGV cinema re-opens its cinema network in Jakarta, after being permitted by the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government. Since the COVID-19 pandemic entered Indonesia in early March, cinemas have been temporarily closed to prevent the spread and transmission of the virus.
Public Relations of CGV Hariman Chalid said, to avoid spreading COVID-19 in the biocop area, CGV has also prepared a number of health protocols in accordance with the guidelines of the Ministry of Health and the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government and will implement them strictly. One of them is applying age restrictions for visitors.
"Staff and spectators are required to wear masks throughout the cinema area. We are also implementing a policy of limiting the age of visitors, only those aged 12 to 60 years are allowed," he said, when contacted by VOI, in Jakarta, Thursday, October 22.
Spectators, said Hariman, were also not allowed to consume food and beverage products from CGV in the auditorium. Eating and drinking are only allowed at CGV locations that have restaurant facilities, namely cafes, CGV Kitchen, CGV Sportsbar.
Hariman said that prospective spectators who come are also required to check their body temperature before entering the cinema area. Then, perform a visitor tracking system (tracing) with QR Code and Manual.
"We also apply hygiene procedures with disinfectant liquid throughout the cinema area, and after the screening of the film. Provide hand sanitizers and urge viewers to order tickets to watch and eat and drink online (contact-less) with digital payment (cash-free), "he explained.
The CGV, Hariman said, also reduced the seating capacity in the auditorium room in order to maintain a safe distance between spectators in accordance with the direction of the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government. Where, the condition for cinemas to operate again is to enforce the rules for limiting the capacity in the auditorium to a maximum of 25 percent of the audience.
"Although currently only 25 percent is allowed, the reopening of cinemas is also expected to revive the activities of production houses in producing national films, and help restore the economy in the creative industry sector, especially film," he said.
Hariman believes that opening a cinema with strict health protocols will also educate CGV to the public that watching in the cinema is safe and comfortable.
Furthermore, he said, the reopening of the CGV cinema in Jakarta will be carried out in stages starting with four locations, namely CGV Grand Indonesia, CGV AEON Mall Jakarta Garden City, CGV Green Pramuka Mall and CGV Transmart Cempaka Putih.
Upcoming MoviesHariman said that one of the Box Office films that will be broadcast is 'Train To Busan Presents PENINSULA' which has long been awaited by film fans in Indonesia.
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While other films that will air include The Swordsman (featuring Joe Taslim), Bloodshot, Deliver us from Evil, Eyes on Me, and The Secret Garden.
Movie screenings or showtime at the CGV cinema will start at 12.00 WIB, and the last showtime will adjust to the operating hours of the shopping center where CGV is located. For a list of films and viewing times as well as ticket prices and reservations, Hariman said, it can be seen on the website or by downloading the CGV digital application.
Regarding the Indonesian film, Hariman said, it was not shown due to delays due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
For your information, not all entrepreneurs have reopened their cinemas, even though the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government has given permission to operate during this transitional PSBB period. One of the reasons for this is the regulation limiting the number of viewers to only 25 percent.
Chairman of the Association of Indonesian Cinema Managers (GPBSI) Djonny Syafruddin said that if you have to keep operating with a 25 percent restriction, then film owners are still thinking about releasing films.
"It won't work if 25 percent. Just 50 percent thought but it's still okay because the situation is like this. Initially 50 percent, this is why it has decreased to 25 percent. We consulted with film owners, the Indonesian producer associations. They all refused, "he said, when contacted by VOI, Thursday, October 15.
Jakarta is a barometer of the cinema business in the country. So that the decision to open or not cinemas in Jakarta will have an impact on the operation of cinemas in the regions. However, he said, opening a cinema with an audience restriction of 25 percent is very difficult.
"If 25 percent of film producer associations don't want their films to be screened. Where do the cinemas want to get films from? Ideally, 50 percent," he said.
Even so, said Djohny, there is one cinema company that has decided to open it even though it is limited to 25 percent of the audience capacity, namely CGV.
As for the others, namely Cinema XXI and Flix Cinema, chose to remain closed because the limitation on audience capacity was considered not on a business scale. Meanwhile, Cinepolis is still considering between closing and opening.
"CGV wants to open because they have their own film. For Cinema XXI they choose to close," he explained.
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