Call The Merger Plan BTN Syariah To BSI Unhealthy, Hipmi Syariah: Could Weakening The Housing Sector

JAKARTA - The plan to merge the Sharia Business Unit (UUS) of PT Bank Tabungan Negara (Persero) Tbk or BTN Syariah into PT Bank Syariah Indonesia (BSI), has received attention from the Indonesian Young Entrepreneurs Association (Hipmi). According to Hipmi, the plan will actually weaken the housing sector, which has been the main focus of BTN Syariah.

As stated by the Head of HIPMI Syariah, Ibnu Riyanto in his statement, Monday, June 6. Ibnu explained, the key to the success of an institution in running its business unit.

BTN Syariah so far has played a very important role in helping the government in the housing sector, one of which is in distributing FLPP or subsidized mortgages to low-income people (MBR). Because it is undeniable, most of the sales of the housing sector require the support of the banking sector. Through credit financing, either KPR or KPA.

"So far, BSI has not focused on housing finance, it is feared that with this merger the housing sector will not move massively due to the unpreparedness of BSI in terms of systems and programs," said Ibnu.

The merger of BTN Syariah to BSI in a business cycle will also be unhealthy. With the merger of most Islamic banks, there are no competitors in the scope of Islamic banking which results in slow business improvement, both in terms of products and policies.

The government must be able to see from the perspective of customers who feel they do not have many choices for Islamic banking. BSI also still has major unfinished work, namely, increasing the contribution of Islamic banks to the economy in Indonesia and also increasing the productivity of the halal industry in Indonesia, which is currently not in the top five.

“As a developer, I personally experienced the unpreparedness of the BSI banking system in the housing finance sector. The very long process of applying for financing is enough to hinder the consumer's process in realizing their dream home," said Ibnu.

The need for housing that continues to increase, especially in areas without the growth of the Bank as a payment system is a ticking time bomb. Currently, many people have been deceived by unscrupulous sharia developers. From the start the building stalled unfinished and the consumer's money was taken away by the developer.

The government must be able to bridge this problem by increasing banks such as BTN Syariah which focuses on the housing sector.