24 Weeks Pregnant, Indah Permatasari Shares 6 Portraits Of Baby Bump

JAKARTA - Beautiful actress Indah Permatasi is pregnant with her first child. The following is a portrait of Arie Kriting's wife's baby bump at 24 weeks pregnant.

Portrait of Baby Bump Indah Permatasari(Instagram/@indahpertas)

"24 Weeks Pregnant," wrote Indah Permatasari in the photo caption which showed her belly which was starting to look big.

Portrait of Baby Bump Indah Permatasari(Instagram/@indahpertas)

The portrait uploaded on May 29 received lots of praise from celebrity friends and netizens. Many praised her looking more beautiful when she was in two bodies.

Portrait of Baby Bump Indah Permatasari(Instagram/@indahpertas)

"Beautiful," wrote Tissa Biani. "More glowing," wrote fahjr_603. "Mashaallah beautiful sister and baby Dede," wrote ciciwdna_.

Portrait of Baby Bump Indah Permatasari(Instagram/@arie_kriting)

The 25-year-old woman also shared vacation moments with her beloved husband. Incidentally, both of them like the sea and the beach. Indah and Arie's happy smile while in Baubau, Southeast Sulawesi, Arie Kriting's hometown.

Portrait of Baby Bump Indah Permatasari(Instagram/@arie_kriting)

Now, the gestational age of the film actor Dear Nathan: Thank You Salma is entering the second trimester. Three weeks ago, Indah and Arie announced this happy news through their Instagram account and Youtube channel.

Portrait of Baby Bump Indah Permatasari(Instagram/@arie_kriting)

When sharing the happy news, Indah and Arie shared that Indah's pregnancy was discovered on the first anniversary of their marriage, last January 12. Even Arie said that he used the test pack incorrectly when he first checked Indah's pregnancy.