Going Home From Vacation Without Hotma Sitompul, Desiree Tarigan Leaves Missing With Granddaughter Rieta Amilia

JAKARTA - Desiree Tarigan is really close with Rieta Amilia. However, it turns out that he is also close to Rieta's family, including his grandson.

Through her Instagram upload, Desiree Tarigan shared a portrait with two of Caca Tengker's children and grandchildren.

"Good morning... Tieta @rieta_amilia I'm borrowing a grandson, so let's take some fun photos first..." wrote Desiree Tarigan on Sunday, June 5th.

Desiree was seen laughing in the middle of the clothes shop. It is not yet known whether Rieta also went with them or not.

This closeness caught the attention of netizens who were excited about Desiree and Rieta's friendship.

"Chasing a grandson at that age, mom," wrote one netizen.

"It's so funny mommy," added another.

"Tomorrow we can add this Cipung," said another.

Previously, Desiree Tarigan also went to Rieta Amilia's house for Eid. Recently, Desiree came home from a vacation with Europe with her friends.

This is Desiree Tarigan's first vacation abroad without Hotma Sitompul. After separating, Desiree seems to enjoy life more with her children and friends.