Responding To Prosecutors' Demands, Jiwasraya Heru's Share Manager: I Don't Have IDR 10 Trillion Asset

JAKARTA - Owner of PT Maxima Integra Investama and President Commissioner of PT Trada Alam Minera Tbk, Heru Hidayat, as the manager of PT Asuransi Jiwasraya shares, dismissed the prosecutor's allegations regarding ownership of Rp10 trillion in cash.

"In this trial, I was accused of obtaining and enjoying more than Rp. 10 trillion in cash and was told to replace it, even though all the assets that I have had since I started working until now have not reached Rp. 10 trillion," Heru said at the KPK Jakarta building, reported by Antara, Thursday, 22 October.

Heru underwent a hearing to read the defense note (pledoi) via "video conference" while the panel of judges, public prosecutors at the Attorney General's Office and the defendant's legal adviser were present at the Jakarta Corruption Court (Tipikor).

In this case, the Attorney General's Office prosecutor demanded Heru Hidayat to be imprisoned for life plus the obligation to pay replacement money of Rp. 10,728 trillion because he was considered proven to have committed corruption in the management of investment funds at PT. Asuransi Jiwasraya (Persero) which caused losses to state finances amounting to Rp. 16.807 trillion and money laundering.

"The era is already advanced and open, it can be traced whether I have assets of up to Rp10 trillion. Then where can I say that I received and enjoyed more than Rp10 trillion? as of December 31, 2019, "Heru added.

According to Heru, the demand was like a death sentence for him. Because he was required to live life in prison until he died and deprived all of his hard work during life.

"It is not myself that I think about, but what the fate of my family and all of my employees is, who currently only have 1,000 people out of 10 thousand people as a result of this case, even though I have not finished thinking about the 9,000 former employees of mine and their entire family who are currently do not have a job, "said Heru.

Throughout the trial, according to Heru, the witnesses from Jiwasraya, investment managers and brokers, did not say that they had ever given him up to Rp10 trillion.

"Even the experts from the BPK said that they only counted the money that came out of Jiwasraya, where the money went to the investment manager and was used to buy shares, never stated that any money from Jiwasraya had flowed to me. If I really enjoyed Jiwasraya's money, why? is there a well-known investment management firm in this case that has returned / deposited money to the prosecutor's office? " said Heru.

According to Heru, it was also revealed that the people who were called his "nominees" were actually "nominees" of Piter Rasiman.

"Then there was an email which he said was from me to Benny Tjokro asking that hundreds of billions of money be transferred to several accounts in the name of other people. Strangely, the email was considered as evidence that I had received the money, even though during the trial neither witnesses nor me or Benny were found "confirmed the contents of the email, there was no response and no response to the email. In addition, there was no evidence of transfer of the email at this trial," Heru said.

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According to Heru, the testimony of Seto Satriantoro from the OJK revealed that the majority of shares owned by Jiwasraya or in mutual funds were purchased from the public.

"If you buy it from the public, why am I accused of getting money and enjoying it? With what happened in this case, apart from hoping for the best for myself, I really hope that the interests of the public can be fulfilled and accommodated so that no one is harmed and suffer because of this case, "said Heru.

However, Heru also apologized to a number of parties because of the case.

"I apologize to Your Honor, the panel of judges if there is my attitude that is not pleasing to Your Majesty in this trial. I apologize to my family who have become troubled and suffered as a result of this case. I apologize to all my employees who have lost. work and what is unclear about my fate because I was imprisoned and could not run this company, "said Heru.

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