Frequently Overreacting Due To Stress, Know 7 Ways To Overcome It

YOGYAKARTA – Events experienced every day can be responded to calmly. But when you realize you often overreact, of course you will spend more energy.

Challenges in life, almost everyone experiences it. But not all react excessively when it comes to dealing with things. For example, being underestimated by someone at the same time you have to repair the house. If you feel that you're overreacting to a challenge you're going through, here's how to deal with it to stay calm.

1. Self-compassion

By not caring about the cause of stress or your reaction, is self-compassion or self-love. Self-compassion is a good practical strategy for increasing cognitive and behavioral flexibility. Instead of thinking deeply about the causes of stress, it is better to access the part of yourself that is skilled and creative in solving problems.

2. Overcoming bad experiences in the past

When a person reacts strongly to stress, such as being afraid, anxious, avoiding, or angry, it is often based on bad experiences in the past. According to Alice Boyes as reported by Psychology Today, Monday, June 6, when an unpleasant experience in the past is triggered by a new, similar event, the overreaction may be unconscious.

Sometimes, this needs to be realized so that it can be learned. Because by learning, trauma reactions can often be controlled and make more sense.

Illustration of over-reactive or overreacting when faced with a problem (iStockphoto)
3. Identify when bad experiences affect reactions

Even non-traumatic experiences sometimes shape how we react. For example, when buying an item but it is too expensive when compared to other offers. This forms a suspicious reaction to every offer that is said to be cheap but turns out to be much more expensive.

Therefore, these need to be identified. When suspicion arises, and recognize how not to overreact when experiencing the same event.

4. Coping with cognitive errors

Cognitive processing, according to Boyes, affects how to interpret events. When you get an email from a new person offering to cooperate, but an overreaction, such as annoyance that things aren't working the way you want them to, it could be due to your cognitive processing style.

Boyes advice, try to read the offer over and over again. Think of the good things that could happen. Usually this will prompt you to think of two scenarios, the worst outcome and the opposite, satisfactory.

5. Acknowledge the existence of external factors

Recognizing factors that relate to yourself and the wider world can help you react more kindly and skillfully. It's also important to identify how these factors work on your reaction.

6. Know your own strength

When experiencing stress, the handler will take advantage of strengths or sink into weaknesses. The more you know what your strengths are, the easier it will be to find creative solutions. It can even be more patient and aware in going through any difficulties.

7. Develop new powers

Skills in dealing with every challenge are not always fixed. Sometimes skills are honed and able to solve problems. But not infrequently skills find a dead end. For that, it is necessary to learn new skills. Problem solving can be done creatively, including by identifying your strengths and understanding when you have great capacity.

In addition to the seven ways above, everyone has a creative strategy for solving problems without overreacting. Are there any effective ways you can react calmly to any challenge?