Mayor Of Kediri Abdullah Abu Bakar Wants Factory Construction In His Area To Employ Local Residents To The Maximum
JAKARTA - Mayor of Kediri, East Java, Abdullah Abu Bakar wants the establishment of factories in his area to employ local residents to the maximum.
"We want our human resources to be of high quality and superior to other regions. If there is a change in our human resources, we can fill and take opportunities. Hopefully PT HAPETE can continue to collaborate with the surrounding community. Please, if you open employment opportunities, local residents will prioritize," he said during the laying of the first stone. construction of a PT HAPETE yarn factory in Kediri, quoted from Antara, Monday, June 6.
He invited all investors to choose the location of the factory construction in the City of Kediri to participate in advancing the economy in the City of Kediri.
To continue to advance this economy, the Government of the City of Kediri continues to strive to produce good human resources. Various programs have been carried out by the Government of the City of Kediri to improve the existing human resources in the City of Kediri.
Meanwhile, Director of HAPETE Dikin Oentono said that his party is a manufacturer of industrial yarn. The company is engaged in the production and management of yarn spinning.
He said, his party did intend to expand. The company has also conducted surveys to various regions for expansion, until finally choosing the City of Kediri as the location for the factory establishment.
"We have conducted surveys in various areas up to Central Java. In East Java I did not come directly to Kediri City, but to Mojokerto and Jombang first for surveys, and I was interested in Kediri City," said Dikin.
He also said that the plan to establish the factory was apart from the existence of an airport in Kediri. However, with an airport operational plan already in place, it is hoped that future prospects will be even better.
"Even though at that time I did not know that in Kediri there would be an airport. Hopefully by building a factory here we can help the surrounding community. We are also ready to collaborate with the government and with the community," he said.
In the groundbreaking ceremony, HAPETE Commissioner Woen Oentono, HAPETE Director Dikim Oentono and a number of heads of regional organizations in Kediri were also present.