Jampidum Said There Was No Intentional Element Of The AGO Building Fire Case

JAKARTA - Junior Attorney General for General Crimes (Jampidum) Attorney General's Office (AGO), Fadil Zumhana, said that the results of the case title (exposure) with Bareskrim Polri investigators regarding the AGO building fire were not found to be intentional. Investigators are said to be determining suspects.

"Nothing, there was no intention," said Fadil to reporters, Wednesday, October 21.

Without finding any intentional elements, said Fadil, investigators from the Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police applied Article 188 of the Criminal Code on negligence. However Fadil did not explain the negligence referred to in the AGO building fire case.

"It is not confirmed (negligence), I am talking about evidence. Because of the negligence, how will we see the progress in the trial," he said.

In addition, the exposure also discusses filing. Research prosecutors provide input to Bareskrim investigators regarding formal and material completeness.

"We gave instructions so that later in the file there must be this, this, this. In the pre-prosecution process, the prosecutor follows the progress of the investigation so that the investigator knows what direction it is going there," he said.

There are hundreds of witnesses and experts who were questioned in the case of the AGO building fire that occurred on August 22nd.