Airlangga To Golkar Cadre: If The Stomach Is Safe, The Politics Is Stable, Do You Agree?

JAKARTA - The General Chair of the Golkar Party, Airlangga Hartarto, has instructed all banyan cadres to ensure that the Indonesian people do not go hungry. Especially in the face of the dry season that will occur in the future. According to Airlangga, if the people are kept 'belly' then the political situation will also be under control. He also emphasized that efforts to meet food needs must be done alone because Indonesia can no longer depend on other countries.

"If the stomach is safe, politics is stable, do you agree? So I instruct all Golkar Party cadres, including those in Commission IV, to take care of the constituents' stomachs. Prepare the land, we cannot depend on other countries for stomach matters," said Airlangga when opening the Golkar Party Working Meeting West Java Province in Sentul, Bogor, Friday, 3 June.

Airlangga mentioned several friendly countries that are no longer dependent on exports. For example, Malaysia has now stopped the export of chicken, as well as India which has stopped the export of wheat. Meanwhile, Indonesia, which has natural resources, according to the Coordinating Minister for the Economy, can utilize and optimize activities in the agricultural sector.

"Somethings can't be planted? We have 8 million tons of fertilizer, I met other countries, Peru they need 260,000 tons of Urea they can't afford, we have 8 million, use it to plant," he explained.

Airlangga then teased the Deputy Chairman of Commission IV of the DPR, Dedi Mulyadi, to pay more attention to post-harvest activities so that the harvest does not accumulate. Airlangga also reminded Dedi not only to distribute tractors but to distribute seeds for farmers to plant.

"Chairman of Commission IV, don't continue to distribute tractors, what must be shared are seeds, working capital, post-harvest, right? Don't let the harvest pile up, it must be guaranteed who will buy it. Ready? Are you ready? Airlangga.