Student Protest Against Job Creation Law, Moeldoko: Those Who Will Enjoy It

JAKARTA - The Presidential Chief of Staff, Moeldoko, has asked students who have recently taken to the streets to voice their rejection of the Omnibus Law on Cipta Kerja see another side of the legislation. He even said that these students would later enjoy the results of the law that was passed on Monday, October 5.

According to him, the Job Creation Law will have an impact on increasing investment which will lead to an increase in job opportunities that will absorb students who have just graduated and are looking for work.

"If there is a big investment, there will be job opportunities. And who will enjoy it? Of course my children are currently on the streets," Moeldoko told reporters at his office, Wednesday, October 21.

He then explained that the Job Creation Law was made in order to anticipate the demographic bonus, especially regarding the number of the workforce from year to year, which continues to increase but is not proportional to the number of jobs.

This condition is what makes the government try to make breakthroughs in order to facilitate investment and business licensing through the Job Creation Law so that more jobs are created.

The ease of investment, continued Moeldoko, will not only be enjoyed by foreign investors. Because, when this law comes into effect, all people including students who are currently demonstrating can make business because of a number of things regulated in the law. However, of course this must be communicated so that students can understand it.

"If they are understood then they will definitely not take to the streets, because the government really thinks about their fate," he said.

It is known that student groups in various provinces in Indonesia have recently taken to the streets to carry out demonstrations against the Omnibus Law on Cipta Kerja. One of the student groups that rejected it was the All Indonesia Student Executive Board (BEM SI).

BEM SI rejects this law because it considers that many regulations in this law are considered problematic. Apart from refusing, they also asked President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) to issue a Perppu to revoke the Job Creation Law.

In fact, they thought that they would carry out demonstrations with a larger mass that would create a national concern if President Jokowi did not issue a Perppu within 8x24 hours.

"If this is not possible, within 8x24 hours of the issuance of this ultimatum, we will ensure that there will be a big movement from students all over Indonesia which will create a national crisis right on Youth Pledge Day, October 28," said BEM SI Coordinator Remy Hastian in action. demonstration at the Arjuna Wiwaha Horse Statue area, Jalan Medan Merdeka Barat, Central Jakarta, Tuesday, October 20 yesterday.