Vice President Affirms Teachers Must Become Uswatun Hasanah

JAKARTA - Vice President Ma'ruf Amin emphasized that a teacher must be able to become uswatun hasanah or a good role model for his students.

This was conveyed by the Vice President while attending a Workshop with the Central and Regional Leaders of the Nahdlatul Ulama Teacher Association (PERGUNU) at the KH Abdul Chalim Institute, Mojokerto, East Java, Friday, June 3.

"The task of this teacher is to create and build a future according to the name of the teacher, that's what the Javanese say is digugu, imitated. It means that his speech is listened to and his behavior is followed. Therefore, the teacher must be an example, must be uswatun hasanah so that his students can follow him. ," said the vice president as quoted by Antara.

The vice president said that at present there are many challenges that occur due to the times that teachers must face, ranging from disinformation challenges, food crises, community empowerment, to deviant behavior such as LGBT.

"Our challenge is not to let our children be damaged. First, of course, to maintain the broken beliefs. There are many deviant beliefs. Our challenges going forward are tough. Therefore, it is the teacher's job to protect his people," said the Vice President.

Apart from the scientific side, Ma'ruf Amin also emphasized that teachers have an important and strategic role in anticipating various challenges of the times from the side of existing regulations.

"We must be prepared to face all the dangers that are thought to come. So, we must anticipate various dangers that are majnun, especially those that are real," said the Vice President.

The vice president then said, "Now the danger is there, and it is estimated that in the future the waves of danger will be even greater. It is the teacher's job to give understanding to our students."

Closing his remarks, Ma'ruf Amin congratulated the election of the new administrators of PERGUNU.

The vice president asked the elected management to continue to adapt in facing the challenges of the times, and to participate in creating new innovations to overcome various problems.

Chairman of PERGUNU Asep Saifuddin Chalim reported that PERGUNU had previously held a congress on 26-29 May 2022, which resulted in several recommendations.

Asep hopes that the existence of PERGUNU can be more active and make a real contribution to the world of Indonesian education.

"Hopefully with the existence of PERGUNU, we will really try our best in terms of education that will realize an advanced, just, and prosperous Indonesia," said Asep.