Sindir Ketum And Secretary General Of PAN, Former Cadre Dragged Into Criminal Domain

JAKARTA - The criminal traps involving the Indonesian political elite seem endless. Former Chairman of the PAN DPP, Agung Mozin, is one of them. The reason was that Agung's tweet on Twitter that said the Chairperson and Secretary General of the National Mandate Party led recklessly resulted in reporting.

The report was also carried out by a person named Wisnu Wardana on October 2, 2019. In that report, Agung Mozin, who was the reported person, was charged with Article 27 paragraph 3 and 28 paragraph 2 junto 310, 311 KUHP UU ITE number 19/2016 on ITE.

On Tuesday, January 14, at around 2:00 p.m., Agung underwent an examination at the Directorate of Special Criminal Investigation at Polda Metro Jaya. Accompanied by his attorney, Agung also attended the examination.

The initial examination was the result of a rescheduling which was delayed. This is because investigators previously asked the former PAN politician to be questioned on Thursday, January 9.

Before meeting with investigators, Agung gave a statement. He said the investigation was due to a tweet on his personal social media account that offended Zulkifli Hasan and Eddy Soeparno.

"(Fill in the tweet) that Zulkifli Hasan and Eddy Suparno are managing the party (recklessly)," said Agung in Jakarta, Tuesday.

The reckless context referred to is because the two top PAN officials often rotated and even removed their members' posts without clear reasons. In addition, the closed room for expressing opinions internally in the party was also cited as the reason for writing the tweet.

So that the narrative he uploaded on his Twitter account was said to be an expression of complaining about what had happened.

Screenshot of Mozin's Supreme tweet

"Because our space to convey within the party is closed and people with different opinions are always threatened, so many of us party cadres have resigned or are no longer active," said Agung.

After giving this statement, Agung and his attorney entered the building of the Special Criminal Investigation Directorate (Ditreskrimsus) to undergo an examination. Nearly three hours passed, the process of taking information was completed.

Before leaving Polda Metro Jaya, Agung again gave a statement. It was said that during the examination investigators had asked him to explain his four tweets on social media. Where one of them is about party financial management, especially the Regional Head Election (Pilkada) fund.

The whistleblower was considered by the reporter as a criminal act of defamation. However, it is emphasized that this is an entry point to reveal the management's corruption.

"They feel it is defamation but we say that our report is our gateway to open up clearly what really happened," said Agung.

Meanwhile, on the same occasion, Agung's attorney, Rizal Fauzi Ritonga added, during the examination process there were about 18 questions raised by investigators. In addition, his client was asked to explain in detail the reasons for the tweet.

"My client, Mr. Agung Mozin, said that the communication channels, dialogue space in this party is closed. So, as an effort to fix this party, these criticisms are delivered with tweets on Twitter," he said.

Besides that, he also said that his party would present several additional witnesses to strengthen the statement of his client. However, Rizal could not confirm when the examination of the witnesses was carried out.

"Later we will present several witnesses. We do not know yet, we just have to see the time from the investigators," said Rizal.