Sat Set! This Is Sri Mulyani's Strategy To Create An Inclusive And Sustainable Economy

JAKARTA - Minister of Finance (Menkeu) Sri Mulyani Indrawati said that the government remains strongly committed to continuing to encourage national economic recovery.

According to him, the government will strengthen the economic foundation and accelerate a more inclusive and sustainable growth rate in order to get out of the middle-income trap.

"The government will take two strategies. First, focusing the budget on strengthening the quality of human resources, accelerating infrastructure development, bureaucratic and regulatory reform, revitalizing industry and encouraging green economic development. And secondly increasing the effectiveness of economic transformation supported by holistic fiscal reforms," said Sri Mulyani in written, Friday June 3rd.

Sri Mulyani added that this step was reflected in the proposed range of macroeconomic indicators as the basic assumptions for the preparation of the 2023 RAPBN which was carried out carefully and took into account various risks and potential recovery next year.

"We also need to emphasize that the health of the state budget through fiscal consolidation must be able to play an optimal role as a shock absorber instrument in the event of future turmoil," he said.

As previously reported, the government through the Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani has presented the Macroeconomic Framework and Principles of Fiscal Policy (KEM PPKF) for 2023 in the DPR Plenary Session recently.

The document contains projections for 2023 in the form of economic growth of 5.3 to 5.9 percent, inflation of 2.0 to 4.0 percent, the rupiah exchange rate of Rp. 14,300 to Rp. 14,800 per US dollar.

Then, the 10-year SBN interest rate is 7.34 percent to 9.16 percent, the price of Indonesian crude oil is 80 to 100 US dollars per barrel, oil lifting is 619,000 to 680,000 barrels per day, and gas lifting is 1.02 million to 1. 11 million barrels of oil equivalent per day.

"It is inevitable that an economy will always face economic cycles, prosperous episodes and famine episodes. Therefore, it is very crucial to prepare policy cushions to deal with difficult situations," Sri Mulyani concluded.