Attorney Akhyar Nasution Reported Deputy Governor Of North Sumatra Ijeck To Bawaslu Medan

MEDAN - Deputy Governor of North Sumatra Musa Rajekshah (Ijeck) was reported to the Medan City Bawaslu. This report was filed by the Akhyar Nasution-Salman Alfarisi camp because Ijeck was said to be not neutral in the Medan Pilkada.

"We are reporting the alleged indications of his neutrality. Starting from the very beginning before the nomination of the candidates, to the appointment of the candidates," said Akhyar-Salman lawyer M Hatta at the Bawaslu Medan office, Wednesday, October 21.

Hatta asked the Medan City Bawaslu to process reports related to the Deputy Governor of North Sumatra Ijeck. Akhyar's team also attached a number of photos to strengthen Ijeck's alleged non-neutrality report.

"We ask Bawaslu to be neutral in processing complaints from us. We attach several photos indicating this bias," he said.

Meanwhile, the Head of Bawaslu for the City of Medan Payung Harahap confirmed the report. Currently Medan Bawaslu is reviewing the report.

"We will test it first, if the formal and material requirements are met, we will definitely follow it up," he said.

According to Payung, some of the photos that were included by the reporter were those of Musa Rajekshah with Bobby Nasution during several activities. This evidence is included in their study.