It Turns Out That This Is How The Diazepam Drug Is Taken By Guitarist Kahitna

JAKARTA – Musician AB alias Andrie was arrested for taking the sedative Valdimex Diazepam. West Jakarta Metro Police Chief Kombes Pasma Royce said AB alias Andrie, guitarist for the band Kahitna.

According to Kombes Pasma Royce, Andrie has been taking this class 4 psychotropic drug since 2017. Andrie, continued Kombes Pasma, is indeed in a period of treatment. Initially, he took the drug with a doctor's prescription, later Andrie bought it himself at an online store.

"Based on AB's admission, the drug was used to calm him down or make it easier for him to sleep after his activities as a musician," he said, Friday, June 3.

Quoting from the site reviewed by dr. Merry Dame Cristy Pane, the following is an explanation of the drug Diazepam.

Diazepam is a medication to treat anxiety disorders, relieve spasms, muscle stiffness, or as a sedative before surgery. In addition, this drug can also be used in the treatment of withdrawal symptoms.

Diazepam belongs to the benzodiazepine group. This drug works to increase the activity of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), a chemical compound in the brain that inhibits the action of chemicals that conduct nerve signals (neurotransmitters) in the brain.

This way of working will cause a calm, relaxing, and drowsy effect, so it can be used as an anti-anxiety, anticonvulsant, and muscle relaxant. This drug should not be used carelessly and must be in accordance with a doctor's prescription.

Dosage and Use of Diazepam

The dose of diazepam will be determined by the doctor according to the dosage form of the drug, the condition and age of the patient, and the patient's response to treatment. In certain conditions, the doctor will determine the dose based on the patient's body weight (BB).

Continue to Andrie. Kombes Pasma said Andrie was indeed in the treatment period, and initially took the drug with a doctor's prescription. However, from 2020 to 2022, AB took the drug without a doctor's prescription.

"During 2020 to 2022, the person concerned will also buy valdimex online. This medicine should only be obtained with a doctor's prescription, but the person concerned will get it without a doctor's prescription," he said.

When arrested, the police confiscated 45 valdimex pills without a doctor's prescription. When arrested, the suspect was resting at his residence.

As a result of his actions, the perpetrator was charged with Article 62 in conjunction with Article 37 paragraph 1 concerning Psychotropics with a maximum penalty of 5 years in prison.