Facebook Most Interested In Regional Head Candidates For Pilkada Campaigns On Social Media

JAKARTA - Acting Chairman of the General Election Commission (KPU) Ilham Saputra said that until now Facebook has become the most popular social media platform for candidate pairs during the 2020 Pilkada campaign.

Based on data compiled by the KPU as of October 16, 2020 at 12.00 WIB, there are 4,310 Facebook accounts or 68 percent of all official social media campaign accounts registered by 673 candidate pairs.

"Social media data that the candidate has registered is Facebook at the most. Perhaps, Facebook is considered the easiest and most frequently accessed by the public," Ilham said in a webinar discussion, Wednesday, October 21.

Then, the second most registered account is on the Instagram platform, with 1,113 accounts or about 18 percent of all registered accounts.

Next is Youtube with 287 accounts or about 10 percent, Twitter with 179 accounts or about 3 percent, Tiktok with 6 accounts or 0.1 percent, and 16 other social media or about 0.2 percent.

In addition, there are also public groups that are registered with the KPU. "In the listed public groups, the most Facebook Fanpages are followed by the official website, WhatsApp, blogspot, official email, and the number of other public groups," said Ilham.

In total, there are 6,375 official social media accounts registered by 673 candidate pairs. In detail, there are 405 social media accounts for governor and deputy governor candidate pairs, and 5,970 social media accounts for regent and deputy regent, as well as mayors and deputy mayors.

Of the 729 candidate pairs who took part in the Pilkada, there were 673 candidate pairs who registered their social media accounts, while 27 candidates had not registered their accounts, and 29 candidates registered their social media accounts late.

As many as 5 of the 24 governor and deputy governor candidate pairs take advantage of the maximum limit of 30 accounts. Then, as many as 116 of the 705 candidate pairs for regents and vice regents, as well as mayors and deputy mayors who take advantage of the maximum limit of 20 accounts.

"There are 2 candidate pairs for governor and deputy governor who register accounts that exceed the maximum limit. Then, there are 11 candidate pairs for regents and vice regents, as well as mayors and deputy mayors who register accounts exceeding the maximum limit," said Ilham.