Judge Rejects Exception By Attorney Pinangki

JAKARTA - The panel of judges rejected the exception submitted by the defendant prosecutor Pinangki Sirna Malasari. The Pinangki case will be followed by an examination of witnesses.

"Stating that the legal advisor's objection is not accepted, ordering the trial to be continued, suspending the imposition of court fees until the final verdict of this case," said Chief Judge Ignatius Eko Purwanto in Pinangki's continued trial at the Corruption Court (Tipikor) at the Central Jakarta District Court, Wednesday, October 21. .

The decision to reject Pinangki's exception was because the panel of judges considered that the charges made by the general public had been detailed and clear. In addition, the charges made are also in accordance with existing legal facts.

"The public prosecutor's indictment dated 17 September 2020 has been compiled based on legal facts found in the a quo case file and the articles accused are also in accordance with the articles suspected in the case file," Purwanto said.

Meanwhile, the lawyers' objections regarding the determination of the Pinangki suspect were considered by the judge to be irrelevant. The judge said that the objection to the status of the suspect should have been pursued through pretrial.

"Meanwhile, the evidence questioned by the legal adviser is included in the main scope of the case," said Purwanto.

In the previous trial, the Pinangki prosecutor denied all the charges read out by the prosecutor. Some of them were about the charges which did not explain the subject matter carefully.

In addition, Pinangki also admitted that he never mentioned the names of the Attorney General, ST Burhanuddin and the former Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, Hatta Ali during the investigation of the case.

Pinangki also denied that he had committed the crime of laundering billions of rupiah from the proceeds of Joko Tjandra's money. The reason was, Pinangki had an inheritance from her ex-husband who had died.

Attorney Pinangki was charged in three cases. First, the Pinangki prosecutor was charged with receiving 500 thousand US dollars as a down payment for the Supreme Court fatwa so that Djoko Tjandra could be free from imprisonment related to the transfer of Bank Bali collection rights.

The second indictment, prosecutor Pinangki was charged with the crime of money laundering. According to the prosecutor, Pinangki received 500 thousand US dollars from Djoko Tjandra through Andi Irfan Jaya. The US $ 50 thousand was handed over to Anita Dewi Kolopaking, a lawyer. The prosecutor charged the remaining 450 thousand US dollars of money laundering.

"So the total amount of money used by the defendant was USD 444,990 or equivalent to Rp6,219,380,900," said the prosecutor.

Meanwhile, the third indictment, prosecutor Pinangki, was charged with consensus with Andi Irfan Jaya and Joko Tjandra for giving money to officials of the Attorney General's Office and the Supreme Court. The amount of money promised in this evil conspiracy was 10 million US dollars.