Searching For Eril Continues, Swiss Police Deploy A Body-Searching Dog

JAKARTA - The younger brother of West Java Governor Ridwan Kamil, Elpi Nazmuzzaman is currently in Switzerland to continue the search for Emmeril Kahn Mumtadz (Eril).

Elpi replaces Ridwan Kamil and his wife, Atalia Praratya, who have returned to Indonesia after several days of monitoring the search for their missing child in the Aare River, Bern, Switzerland.

"Today I am in Switzerland, since yesterday. The family continues to monitor, looking for Emmeril Mumtadz," Elpi said in a virtual press conference, Friday, June 3.

The family said that Kang Emil and Atalia were willing to let Eril go and believed that Eril had died from drowning.

In the subsequent search process, Elpi said the Swiss police had dispatched a sniffer dog to specifically search for Eril's body.

"For the current search situation, we are ready to deploy a sniffer dog that has a special ability to smell scents on the surface (of rivers)," said Elpi.

Meanwhile, West Java Governor Ridwan Kamil's brother, Erwin Muniruzaman, said that currently his younger brother and wife, Atalia Praratya, had been willing to let Eril go.

"Kang Emil and Teh Lia said that they are sincere and believe that Emeril Kahn Mumtadz, who we know as Eril, has died, returned to rahhamtullah because he drowned," said Erwin.

Erwin said the family had coordinated with the West Java Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) and decided to pray for Eril in occult prayers according to Islamic law.

"In this case, giving, fulfilling the rights of the late Eril as a Muslim from other Muslims, namely hastening the prayer when he dies," he said.