Netted Mask Raids, Vocational School Students In West Jakarta Do Not Memorize Pancasila

JAKARTA - A Vocational High School (SMK) student in the Tugu Manggis area, Palmerah, West Jakarta was caught in a yustisi raid for not wearing a mask in public.

The officers also punished the student with the initials AS by reciting Pancasila. Unfortunately, it seems that the US did not memorize Pancasila while undergoing sanctions from officers.

"Pancasila, one, the One Godhead. Two, Justice that ... oh I forgot I didn't memorize it, sir, "said a Vocational school student with the initials AS nervously, when he was punished by the joint military-police apparatus and Satpol PP of Palmerah Subdistrict, reported by Antara, Wednesday, October 21.

The US can only surrender to receive punishment for one type of gymnastics, "push-ups" 15 times. Then the officers dressed Ari in an orange vest and assigned him to clean the roads in the area for half an hour.

Palmerah District Civil Service Police Commander Teguh said his party had arrested eight offenders who did not use masks properly while crossing the Tugu Manggis area.

"We netted eight violators, one we imposed a fine, while the other seven were subject to social work sanctions," said Teguh.

Teguh said that when the PSBB was transitioning, the majority of people had realized the importance of using masks to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 virus.

"There has indeed been a decrease in violations, we hope that the public will be aware of the use of masks when they are outdoors," he said.