Black Widow's Prime Special Look Ahead Of Its Release

JAKARTA - Black Widow gets a solo film from Marvel Studio and will be airing soon, next May. Marvel Studios also released a special look from Natasha Romanoff's action as a secret agent.

Through the Black Widow special look video, Romanoff met Yelena Belova, her sister and the second Black Widow after Romanoff. The two collided and met the father who also had his own costume and strength.

The short dialogue in the trailer claims they are family and have unresolved missions. Scarlett Johansson will also face Taskmaster, as her opponent in this film.

Black Widow will be Scarlett Johanson's first independent film and will open the fourth quartet for Marvel Studios. This film has been planned since 2010 before the screening of The Avengers.

However, Feige has not confirmed that desire as a director of Marvel until 2018. Even though his superhero colleagues such as Captain America and Iron Man have already received the ration of solo films.

Apart from Black Widow, the character Hawkeye is also rumored to have his own series that will air on the streaming service, Disney Plus.

Apart from Scarlett Johansson, actors Florence Pugh, David Harbor, Rachel Weisz will also have a role in this Black Widow story. If there is no obstacle, this film will air simultaneously on May 1, 2020 and will be followed by The Eternals which will be released on November 6.

On the other hand, Scarlett Johansson recently won the Best Actress and Best Supporting Actress nominations in the film Jojo Rabbit and Marriage Story for the BAFTA, Golden Globe and Oscar 2020 awards.