Falling In Love Makes You Less Productive According To Studies, How To Overcome? Follow The Tips

YOGYAKARTA – The feeling of blossoming when you fall in love actually affects productivity. A small study involving 43 people who had been in a new relationship for six months. This study was conducted by Dr. Henk Ven Steenberg of the Leiden University Institute of Psychology. This study notes that in the early stages of a romantic relationship, the individual's cognitive control declines.

That's the effect that represents how influential the feeling of flowers is on a person's productivity when falling in love. To overcome this, here are ways to overcome it so that you can still be productive but also have a lasting relationship.

1. Do positive self-talk

Emotions are part of the process of life that cannot be ruled out. One way to stay in control, and not interfere with your productivity, is to have positive self-talk and stay disciplined. Self-talk can also help you weather any storms that come your way, so that you can stay steadfast in your pursuit of your life goals.

Illustration of the effect of falling in love according to research (iStockphoto)
2. Laugh a lot

Dramatic feelings, perhaps more passionate when in love. It also causes energy to be drained away for romance and away from productivity, work for example. Try to deal with this by laughing a lot. Love the things you have, like the career path or job you are currently in.

3. Improve focus

The first step really needs to be forced to keep doing obligations. If it's hard to focus on the present moment, try to divide the time. For example, working an hour without thinking about your lover and things about him. After a break, you can return to paying attention to the adventure of love.

4. Build boundaries

Boundaries are important things that need to be built. When you are at work, let go of thoughts and feelings outside of work. On the other hand, when you are with your partner, you also need to prioritize.

5. Create a new routine

If it doesn't make you more productive after following the previous tips, try creating a new routine. New routines help rebuild your productivity. For example, make a schedule when you need to focus on work and meet your lover. When you have a clear schedule, a new routine will wake up and make you more refreshed when you intervene to complete tasks.

The study, published in Science Daily, Thursday, June 2, found that the more a person is enveloped in love, the more difficult it is to ignore irrelevant information. The results of this study apply to women and men, meaning that the effect of love is no different. In addition to Van Steenbergen's studies, many previous studies have shown that the ability to ignore disturbing information is necessary to maintain long-term romantic relationships. It means that loving in moderation will be meaningful instead of overthinking thinking about things that don't need to be thought about.