Some Of The Anarko Group Who Were Secured To Be Returned

JAKARTA - The Polda Metro has arrested 33 people suspected of being anarcho groups from a demonstration against the Job Creation Law, Tuesday, October 20.

Head of Public Relations of Polda Metro Jaya, Kombes Yusri Yunus, said that some of the people who had been arrested had already been sent home after being recorded and guided. But how many people Yusri sent home did not specify.

"Today we have returned something, now we are recording it. This morning we have returned home," Yusri told reporters, Wednesday, October 21.

Yusri said that the data collection was carried out to ascertain whether they were involved in a criminal act or not. "If it is involved in a crime, then we will process it, if not, we will make a statement," he said.

It's just that, said Yusri, of the 33 people who were arrested were not found carrying sharp weapons. Only found invitations to participate in demonstrations on their respective cellphones.

"We secure various (invitations) from his cellphone, everything is there," he said.

As for yesterday, a demonstration against the Job Creation Law was carried out by students and workers. The action this time went safely.

Meanwhile, the people who were arrested because they were suspected of going to cause trouble during the demonstration.