A Year As ASN Employee, KPK Successfully Performs Asset Recovery Of IDR 374.4 Billion

JAKARTA - Being a civil servant in the state does not reduce the performance of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK), as the front guard to eradicate corruption. The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) even revealed that performance achievements have improved since the transition from employee status to state civil apparatus (ASN) in 2021.

"It is exactly one year since the KPK has carried out the inauguration of its employees to turn into ASN employees. In this transition process, throughout 2021 the KPK will continue to record its performance achievements," said KPK Deputy Chair Nurul Ghufron, in a statement as quoted by Antara, Wednesday, June 1.

Through the enforcement strategy, said Ghufron, his institution has issued 105 investigative orders (sprindik) with a total of 123 suspects, 108 prosecution activities, 90 inkrah or permanent legal force, and 94 executions of court decisions.

Of all these actions, the KPK succeeded in carrying out "asset recovery" or recovery of state assets amounting to Rp374.4 billion.

Through a prevention strategy, he said the KPK had reviewed and optimized tax revenues in the plantation and mining sectors from an anti-corruption perspective.

Furthermore, conducting a study on the governance of regular social assistance, the family of hope program (PKH), non-cash food assistance (BPNT), and measurements in the Integrity Assessment Survey (SPI) by producing a national index score of 72.4 or exceeding the target stated in the Development Plan. National Medium Term (RPJMN) of 70.

For the education strategy, he continued, the KPK is committed to building an anti-corruption culture by involving all elements of society, including through the Smart Politics with Integrity (PCB) program, Anti-Corruption Villages, Strengthening Anti-Corruption State Organizers with Integrity (PAKU Integrity), and the Anti-Corruption Film Festival (ACFFest). .

"Then, through the coordination and supervision functions, the KPK together with relevant stakeholders have saved state/regional finances a total of Rp. 35,965,210,077,508," said Ghufron.

From this achievement, the KPK believes that becoming an ASN is actually a new opportunity in eradicating corruption through various strategies and collaborations while maintaining the independence of the institution.

The KPK, said Ghufron, not only prioritizes one strategy to eradicate corruption, but gives proportional weight to the three strategies, namely education, prevention, and prosecution.

"We call it the "Trisula of Eradicating Corruption" which is carried out simultaneously, integrated with each other, creating synergies, and collaboration with all stakeholders and the community so as to create an orchestra to eradicate corruption," he said.