BNPT Calls Khilafatul Muslimin Ideology Dangerous, Close To Terror Groups

JAKARTA - The National Counterterrorism Agency (BNPT) assesses the caliphate ideology adopted by the Khilafatul Muslimin group is very dangerous. In fact, justifying infidels against a system that is not in accordance with his views.

"The ideological aspect is very dangerous by having the ideal of a caliphate ideology in Indonesia such as HTI, JI, JAD and other terrorism networks," said Director of Prevention of the BNPT Republic of Indonesia, Ahmad Nurwahid when confirmed, Tuesday, May 31.

In addition, the ideology of the Khilafatul Muslimin group often justifies other views that do not suit them as infidels.

From the background of Abdul Qadir Hasan Bajara as the founder of the Khilafatul Muslimin group, said Nurwahid, he has close ties to other radical groups, such as NII, MMI and has a track record in terrorism cases.

"Baraja has been detained twice, the first in January 1979 related to the Warman Terror, detained for 3 years. Then he was arrested and detained again for 13 years, related to the bombing cases in East Java and Borobudur in early 1985," he said.

Previously, Amir Khalifatul Muslimin of the Greater Jakarta Area Muhammad Abudan said that the 'Khilafah Awakening' convoy activity which was viral on social media turned out to be a routine activity of his group.

The activity, known as motor syiar, is held every four months. In addition, the convoy was initially only a place for publication of recitation events organized by the Khilafatul Muslimin group.

The goal is to attract people's interest in participating in the recitation or da'wah events they organize.

"This started in 2017 or early 2018. Because in 2018 we held a global Islamic caliphate event in Jakarta. The activities were centered in Jakarta at that time," said Muhammad.