The Marines Come Down Again, Persuasively Asking The Crowds At The Disbanded Horse Statue

JAKARTA - The Marines intervened in an attempt to disperse the crowd from the area of the Arjuna Wiwaha Horse Statue, Central Jakarta. The crowd that survived, mostly teenagers, were not part of the BEM SI demonstrators.

Based on VOI's observation, the Marines persuasively asked the masses to disperse at around 17:48 WIB, Tuesday, October 20. The crowd then moved away from the Horse Statue area.

"Our troops are ready to escort our younger siblings home. Come back home now, don't be provoked. Little brothers and sisters, ”said Dandim 0501 / Central Jakarta BS Colonel Inf Luqman Arief to the masses.

The mass of teenagers caused a riot. Some threw firecrackers, mineral bottles and stones at the police.

Central Jakarta Police Chief Kombes Heru Novianto repeatedly asked the crowd to disperse. This crowd appeared after the BEM SI demonstrators dispersed from the Horse Statue area.

The masses moved after the Marines persuasively asked the masses to disperse (Wardhany Tsa Tsia / VOI)

Previously, Pangdam Jaya, Major General Dudung Abdurachman, said that his party would fully assist the Police in the security process. Especially when there is a potential for chaos.

"I emphasize the TNI to fully adhere to the clan and the soldiers' oath. Increase solidity between the TNI and Polri," said Dudung, Monday, October 12.

Dudung has instructed the ranks of TNI and Polri members to take action against suspected rioters in a professional, proportionate and persuasive manner.

"Rioters are only people who are used as tools to take advantage of the situation. Because I am sure students and workers are genuinely expressing their aspirations. Later we will look for the rioting me," he said.