Pre-Employment Card Program Funds Mistargeted, DPR Asks Government To Immediately Correct Data

JAKARTA - Commission XI of the DPR RI highlighted the findings of the Supreme Audit Agency (BPK) regarding the mistargeted Pre-Employment Card program funds. The commission in the DPR which is in charge of financial affairs has asked the Government to correct the data on the beneficiaries of the Pre-Employment Card.
"The DPR's Commission XI in its supervisory function will of course ask for an explanation of the BPK's findings to the manager of the Pre-Employment Card," said Member of Commission XI DPR RI, Willy Aditya, Tuesday, May 31.
Based on the Semester Examination Results Summary (IHPS) report for the second semester of 2021, BPK found funds worth IDR 289.85 billion in the Pre-Employment Card program were mistargeted. The inaccuracy occurs because the benefits of the Pre-Employment Card program funds are received by workers or laborers with salaries above Rp. 3.5 million.
Meanwhile, the Pre-Employment Card program is a community social protection program during the COVID-19 pandemic which is specifically for workers affected by layoffs (terminations) and job seekers.
From BPK's findings, it was also reported that the basis for calculating the Pre-Employment Card program did not use valid, accurate and up-to-date data.
For this reason, apart from asking for an explanation from the Pre-Employment Card Management, Commission XI of the DPR also suggested that there should be improvements in the governance of the program. Willy said that the important thing needed to improve the Pre-Employment Card program was related to the basic statistical data on government finances.
“We need to push for scientific-based policies. Therefore the data must be precise and properly managed. Data and analysis must be the basis for policy making," he said.
“Thus the improvement is not only partial casuistic. But we fix it fundamentally. I think we all have the same commitment to the improvement,” added Willy.
Willy reminded that inaccurate data resulted in the program not being optimal. Even though social protection programs during the COVID-19 pandemic are expected to target all affected communities.
"We see an example that is happening at this time is called the "Pre-Employment Card", it should come from data on the workforce, type of work, wages, and if analyzed it will find vulnerability numbers by name by address," he explained.
"But what happened the Pre-Employment Card was targeted at those who had not worked, even those who had difficulty entrepreneurship where they already had their own social assistance programs such as BLT MSMEs and so on," continued Willy.
The legislator from the East Java XI constituency considered that a special policy was needed in the implementation of the Worker Card program. According to Willy, the regulations and implementation for the Pre-Employment Card will optimize the implementation of the Government assistance program.
“Obviously this requires specific regulations for each. Can't be shaken. When one regulation is used for many targets, let alone not in detail, it is natural for the BPK to find findings," said the Deputy Chairman of the Legislation Body (Baleg) of the DPR.
BPK also reported a lack of coordination with local governments and other ministries or agencies involved in the Pre-Employment Card program.
Willy also regretted that there were several problems found in the implementation of the Pre-Employment Card, considering that the allocation for this program in 2021 was quite large, namely Rp. 21.2 trillion. Improvements in data and program management are expected to be able to further maximize the Pre-Employment Card which is still running in 2022 with an allocated value of Rp. 11 trillion.
“The Pre-Employment Card Program, which during the Covid-19 pandemic became the Government's flagship program and was recognized by the World Bank as an ideal social protection program, needs to be evaluated from a data collection perspective. We want this “cash plus” program to really benefit the people,” concluded Willy.