Police Receive Confused Plans Info, Remind Demonstrators Obey Infiltration Alert Rules

JAKARTA - The National Police asked the demonstrators to remain vigilant and careful when conveying their aspirations regarding the rejection of the Omnibus Law on the Job Creation Law. There is information received by the National Police about the intruder's plan to create chaos during the demonstration.

"We also tell the public to be careful and also the demo participants to obey the rules, not to be ridden, infiltrated. Because we have information that today will also be rioting," said Head of Public Relations of the National Police, Insp. journalists, Tuesday, October 20.

Argo emphasized that the Police had secured the demonstration. However, the demonstrators were asked to increase their awareness of any provocateurs who might be in the mass circle.

"Then also in connection with today's activities the police are still guarding to secure the delivery of opinions that are available today," he said.

The demonstration in Jakarta was centered in the area of the Arjuna Wiwaha Horse Statue, Central Jakarta. There is BEM SI who voiced demands that President Jokowi issue a Perppu to revoke the Job Creation Law.

Meanwhile in the Tugu Tani area, the masses, mostly workers, moved towards the Horse Statue. The police at the Monas cross section combed the demonstrators' belongings from the students.

Meanwhile, near the Horse Statue area, the police arrested a number of teenagers in anticipation of infiltrating the BEM SI demonstration. They were stranded in a police car.