The Minister Of Research And Technology Needs 180 Million People Vaccinated With COVID-19 For Herd Immunity

JAKARTA - Minister of Research and Technology (Menristek) Bambang Permadi Soemantri Brodjonegoro said that around 180 million people from all of Indonesia's population need to be given the COVID-19 vaccine to create population immunity (herd immunity) against COVID-19.

"If you use the herd immunity formula, two-thirds of the population must be vaccinated, aka 180 million because one person needs two vaccines, a minimum of 360 million doses is needed," said Bambang in a virtual press conference at the West Merdeka Forum 9 on Vaccine Development, Therapy and Innovation for COVID-19. , Jakarta, reported by Antara, Tuesday, October 20.

Bambang said, when all Indonesians are vaccinated, 540 million doses of vaccine are needed for 270 million Indonesians because one person needs two shots of vaccine doses.

Regarding the fulfillment of vaccine needs, Minister of Research and Technology Bambang said that there must be a production capacity of between 360 million and 540 million doses which may not be fulfilled by PT Bio Farma alone because PT Bio Farma's capacity has a production capacity of 250 million doses of vaccine per year.

To accelerate vaccine production, the Ministry of Research and Technology has collaborated and negotiated with several private companies that are willing to invest in the development of the COVID-19 vaccine.

These private companies include PT Kalbe Farma, PT Sanbe Farma, PT Daewoong Pharmaceutical Company Indonesia, PT Biotis and Tempo Scan.

"Some of them have invested and have arranged for a permit to the BPOM (Food and Drug Supervisory Agency), some are preparing the investment plan and permit," said Bambang.

Apart from developing vaccines independently, the provision of vaccines for the Indonesian people is also carried out through collaborative efforts with foreign parties.

Bambang said that although there are those who buy directly or buy vaccines in their intact condition from abroad, the Indonesian government prioritizes cooperation that involves transfer of technology, for example, at least to move vaccines sent from outside into bottles which are then distributed for vaccination purposes. .

"We have built cooperation, not only with China or AstraZeneca but also with Korea as well as with Turkey. The point is we encourage cooperation as long as it is certainly beneficial for Indonesia," said Bambang.

President Joko Widodo on October 5, 2020, signed Presidential Regulation (Perpres) No. 99 of 2020 concerning Vaccines Procurement and Implementation of Vaccinations in the Context of the 2019 Corona Virus Disease Pandemic (COVID-19).

The scope of the implementation of vaccine procurement and its implementation includes vaccine procurement, implementation, funding for vaccine procurement and vaccination implementation as well as support and facilities for ministries, agencies and local governments.