This 'Friendly Neighbor' Makes A Child Under Age As A Sex Child For 5 Years

JAKARTA - A man described as a "friendly neighbor" was arrested for allegedly keeping a sex slave. The victim reports the abuse she suffered to her school advisor.

Anthony Nealy 's neighbors in Kings Mountain, North Carolina, were shocked to the point that the "laid back" 31-year-old was facing charges of raping a girl under the age of 12.

Nealy appeared in court for the first time on Monday after being charged with a range of crimes including child abuse, rape of children by adults and human trafficking with child victims.

Court records show the alleged sexual assault began in January 2015.

Several neighbors told the North Carolina media, WJZY, they were unaware of the alleged crime that took place just down the road, where the perpetrator's home was.

"We saw them pacing the streets to go to school and that's all," said a neighbor who did not want to be named.

"They have toys outside and everything in the backyard. They have bikes and all kinds of stuff out there but you never see them go out every day of the week."

A resident of the Kings Mountain neighborhood said Mr Nealy appeared "friendly".

"He helped my fiance cut the grass, he helped him water the grass around the lawn."

Another woman who lives in the same neighborhood said she often saw Nealy walking with her victims to school.

Nealy is being held in a Cleveland County prison on $ 709,000 bail after a judge refused to reduce the amount.