Ojo Kesusu

"Ojo kesusu" a sentence in Javanese that means more or less, don't rush, suddenly became popular in Indonesian politics. The quote was issued by President Jokowi at the V Projo National Working Meeting in Magelang, Saturday, May 21, which was attended by Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo and Presidential Chief of Staff Moeldoko.

During this activity, the President of the Republic of Indonesia, Joko Widodo, advised the Projo volunteers not to be in a hurry to talk politics about the presidential candidate in the 2024 election. the one we support is here," said the president.

There are two important points in Jokowi's statement in front of Projo (Pro Jokowi). First, don't talk about politics. And the second sentence "maybe the one we support is here".

The second point is what then makes a lot of people. Many interpreted this statement as a form of Jokowi's support for the Governor of Central Java, Ganjar Pranowo. Understandably, Ganjar is one of the names that is widely referred to as one of the strong candidates who will fight in the 2024 presidential election.

As president for two terms, Jokowi is still considered to have a big role in the 2024 presidential election. It is possible that he plays the role of “king maker”. Why? Until now, Projo still exists. Jokowi's own voice is believed to be still big.

The problem is that Jokowi and Ganjar Pranowo are PDIP cadres. Until now, PDIP has not issued an official statement regarding who the candidates are. It was widely heard that Puan Maharani, who currently serves as Chair of the Indonesian House of Representatives, would be promoted.

Political Party Coalition

Jokowi's statement certainly heats up the political constellation. Previously, the Golkar Party, PAN, and PPP agreed to form the United Indonesia Coalition (KIB). Who are the candidates to be proposed as RI 1 and 2 have not yet agreed. It's faint to hear that the General Chair of the Golkar Party has definitely been proposed. His partner is still being sought. Of course, the pair accompanying Airlangga Hartarto must be approved and agreed upon by PAN and PPP. Whether they are PAN or PPP cadres, it is still unknown. To be sure, several potential candidates have already met the General Chairperson (Ketum) of Golkar. Among them is the Governor of West Java Ridwan Kamil and there is also a plan to meet the Governor of East Java Khofifah Indar Parawansa. Which one of these figures will be juxtaposed with Airlangga? Not found out yet. Both are regional heads from regions that have the potential to gain votes.

Before meeting with the chairman of PAN, Zulkifli Hasan, and the chairman of PPP, Suharso Monoarfa, the chairman of Golkar met with the chairman of Democrats Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono (AHY). During the meeting, Airlangga Hartarto (AH) once joked that AHY was the abbreviation of Airlangga Hartarto Yes. However, recently the two did not get together. Whispers from internal Golkar, AH is not comfortable. Although it can still change too.

Does Jokowi know and agree with the formation of this KIB? It's hard to say no. AH and Suharso Monoarfa are still serving as ministers or assistants to the president.

Presidential Candidate Constellation

Currently, the only party that can nominate candidates alone is PDIP. Others must form a coalition. Many say that Gerindra's coalition with PDIP carries Prabowo Subianto and Puan Maharani. However, in whispers, during a political safari to East Java, someone lobbied for Prabowo to cooperate with the Governor of East Java, Khofifah Indar Parawansa. The goal, of course, is to get a fairly large and solid Muslimat NU vote.

If Gerindra doesn't have a duet, then whose PDIP will be promoted? Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo is a popular figure. Is it possible for PDIP to carry the Ganjar-Puan duet? It's also hard to predict. Because, on several occasions, Ganjar Pranowo was not invited to PDIP activities in Central Java where he was governor, even though volunteers who encouraged PDIP to pair Ganjar - Puan in the presidential election had appeared.

No wonder Jokowi's statement that implied supporting Ganjar became excited. Does this statement refer to Puan – Ganjar?. PDIP itself, as stated by one of its administrators Masinton Pasaribu, PDIP has its own mechanism. Candidates from the PDIP are highly dependent on the Chairperson of the Megawati Soekarnoputri Party. Meanwhile, Megawati has yet to name names.

Then what about the Democrats, PKB, Nasdem, and PKS? PKB is still dark where will it dock. PKB General Chair Muhaimin Iskandar or Cak Imin has recently been aggressively voicing his willingness to join KIB as long as it is promoted as RI 1. Meanwhile, Nasdem and PKS are still silent. There are reports that Nasdem and PKS are actually supporting Anies Baswedan. Reportedly, the party created by Surya Paloh will only speak about the candidates for the presidential election at the end of 2022 or early 2023. While many Democrats suspect that they will support AHY General Chairman. With whom? There are still many possibilities.

Still Liquid

So it is "ojo kesusu". Don't rush to conclusions. Everything is still liquid. There are still many surprises. Also, a number of cabinet ministers or high-ranking state institutions who are ready to advance in the presidential election have put up billboards containing their faces and various other forms of publication. It is very possible to increase popularity or also electability. For those who are not members of course hope to be hooked by political parties.

It could be that President Jokowi's intention to say "ojo kesusu" has a real meaning. Do not rush to conclude a candidate or party coalition. There is still time for coalition and simulation. Including seeing the track record of who will be carried. The problem should not be that the coalition ignores or confuses or divides the people. Even the people, when they choose, have to be smart in choosing the right person. "Ojo kesusu" first or decide on one candidate.